Residential electrical


The Place Togo For A Residential Electrical Inspection

Our electricians have been getting their work inspected by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) in Ontario since 1999. From 1970 to 1999, prior to the creation of the ESA, electrical inspections were coordinated through the regional hydro authorities.

Testing Detectors
& Lighting Fixtures

Wiring Analysis &
Condition Checks




Service Review

Our electricians’ work being inspected is to ensure their installations meet the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) is not only a necessary part of our ecosystem – it is a badge of honour. Our licensed electricians take their work seriously and take pride in knowing it is completed to code and safely for our customers and community.

Reasons For An Electrical Inspection

So who better than one of our electricians to perform a residential electrical inspection for home owners? Home owners typically require or want an electrical inspection for three reasons:

  1. An insurance company has requested an electrical inspection. This could be to ensure the electrical devices and installation methods in the home are to code. Or, more commonly, this is motivated by the presence of knob and tube or aluminum wiring methods in the house. Our certified electricians are qualified and able to perform these inspections for insurance companies.
  2. You need rental housing licensing in Waterloo (Form D), which requires a licensed electrician to perform a visual inspection and certify that the unit has been inspected and that there are no visible fire or shock hazards associated with the electrical system. Our certified residential electricians are qualified to perform these inspections.
  3. An owner wants a full in depth inspection of the electrical system and wiring methods present in their home, usually this is around the time of purchase. Sometimes this can be to alleviate a home owner’s general concerns, or it can be to identify components of your electrical system that could soon require preventative maintenance.

Regardless of the reason, our licensed Kitchener-Waterloo electricians are happy to help put any home owners mind at ease or empower them with information about their homes electrical system.